
Human Capital Club Forum Munich

Scritto da Welliba | 13-nov-2023 12.12.49

This year's Forum will focus on cultures of excellence - shaping healthy, innovative and sustainable organisations.

This year’s forum is addressing questions such as:

  • What distinguishes organisations struggling with today's challenges from those that see change as an opportunity?
  • What are the key factors for a culture of excellence that leads to health, innovation and sustainability?
  • How can organisations create an excellent employee experience?

The #HCCForum2023 examines these and other questions critically and at the same time curiously.

Join Welliba's presentation led by Andreas Lohff & Hendrik Schossau and workshop to see how personalisation in talent management can unlock a better employee experience.  

To learn more visit;

9thth November 2023
 Munich, Germany


Welliba delegates



Andreas Lohff



Hendrik Schossau

Sales Director DACH



We are looking forward to seeing you in Munich!

If you would like to learn more about Welliba please contact Hendrik Schossau at or set up a meeting directly via this link; 

Unlock a better employee experience.
We help organisations and employees work together to attract, onboard, retain and develop talent that performs.